Thursday, August 20, 2009

In Other News...

Just a random little something for your entertainment. The sweetheart of Duluth has run into some trouble--or at least trouble has been forced upon him. Bob Dylan was picked up by some cops in New Jersey. Apparently, he looked like a suspicious figure because he was looking into the windows of houses for sale and wearing a hood (he was in the rain). He told the cops who he was, but they didn't realize it was THE Bob Dylan.

"'She recognized the name, she just really didn’t believe it was Bob Dylan,” Ahart told CNN. “He was soaking wet because it was raining and he was wearing a hood.'" Apparently New Jersey cops have been taught that celebrities are impervious to the rain.

Here's a link to Rolling Stone's take on it:

Now let's all listen to Subterranean Homesick Blues and think of the [Modern] Bard.

The Opening

This is my first blog post! And I have no followers. I have, however, given out the URL to one person. And now that I have bookmarked my page, it will be considerably easier for me to find my way to it.

There's not really much to say at this point.

I leave in two days. In case I haven't spoken to any of you in a while (Britta), I feel as though I should give a brief outline of what will be happening.

Friday: leave Minneapolis to fly to New Zealand
Sunday: arrive in New Zealand (because I cross the date-line, or whatever it's called, I don't really get to live Saturday, August 22, 2009. Hopefully I don't miss anything too important.)
Next Sunday: leave New Zealand to fly to Prague
Next Monday: arrive in Prague

So in the next two weeks, I will be doing some 50 hours of flying. Luckily I have travel money for magazines and snacks, and some newly-purchased noise cancelling headphones.

Yay for a post!
Love love.