Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just a Couple Comments

1) I enabled the commenting thing so that anyone can comment. I did this a while ago, but people haven't figured it out yet. So if you want, you can comment. As long as they are worthwhile comments. Otherwise, save your time and mine. Actually, that's a lie. I don't care if they're worthwhile or not.

2) I am going to Berlin tomorrow. Yay.

3) In case you didn't read the Transitive Property post, it is Fall here. It is Fall and it is cold. I am a big fan of the Fall. Last year I set up Fall appreciation events to ensure that I would be able to fully appreciate Fall. And now, here it is again, and the thing that I most want to do is curl up in my St. Scholastica Sweatshirt, Carleton sweatpants, brown sneakers and think about my birthday. But I can't. Biggest packing mistakes:
-No pullover sweatshirts. I didn't bring any. Instead I brought cardigans. Fashionable, but unpractical when it's cold. I thought I was being smart--cardigans take up less space. Instead I was being stupid. More space=more warmth. I'm from Minnesota. I should know this. Obviously I don't. I think that my St. Scholastica sweatshirt is my favorite.
-No sweatpants. I brought a pair of "lounge pants" I bought at H & M to use as "travel pants" (lounging and traveling are two very different things, though, oddly enough, they work well for both). The only problem is that...they're not sweatpants. And they're not warm. Once again, as with the cardigans, I went for the more fashionable and smaller (therefore, seeingly more practical) route, rather than the bulky and warm route. My Carleton sweatpants are the best for intense lounging.
-No extra sneakers. This one I completely blame myself. I brought a fair number of shoes (I think seven) and I thought that that would be enough. But I seem to keep finding myself wishing I had brought another pair of sneakers, in addition to the two I'd already brought. If I had thought about the shoes I packed, I would have realized that a pair of Pumas with the bottoms falling off and a pair of Chucks that are also falling apart at the seams and that are a bit too small so that if I wear them too long they draw blood are not the most long-lasting shoes to be wearing while travelling around Europe. Instead I should have brought my brown and blue Tigers that are very much not falling apart, offer more support on the bottoms of my feet than the other two combined, and served me well in Ireland.

Just so you all know where I'm at.


  1. Send me a postcard from Berlin! What is the status on the Emily Rose vs. sauerkraut deliberation? Also, write another post with points-those are funny.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi. It's cool that you're traveling. Nice blog.

  4. Emily. You are once again hilarious. SHould I send you a Cobber sweatshirt? My Cobber Friend Kathi Tunheim is coming to Prague in November. Maybe you could see her while she is there for a conference.
    Love-Aunt Deann

  5. Well, Deann, I suppose if you wanted to send a Cobber sweatshirt I wouldn't be able to stop you, now would I? I would also be more than happy to meet with your friend when she comes in November if I am around when she is here. Let me know.

